Andy Mapple Pro Am 2019

4 July 2019

The 2019 Andy Mapple Pro-Am will take place 12th - 14th July

Where else can you see Freddie Winter, TGas, Corey Vaughn, Adam Sedlmajer, Jon Travers, Will Asher and Sacha Descuns ski alongside Tommy Teabag and Alfie Five dogs? Why - the Andy Mapple Pro-Am of course!

Can Freddie make it his 3rd Pro-Am win? Either way it is an event not to be missed. Find links below for a full schedule, tickets to book on to the Saturday night BBQ and check out the talent you'll be seeing on the day within the video gallery. 

The event is free to spectators however, no dogs allowed unfortunately. 

Event Website
Book Gourmet BBQ Tickets
Video Gallery