Getting our clubs in the 'Loop'

15 January 2017

Loop in the Clubhouse is a Sport England funded table tennis initiative designed to increase the number of people playing social table tennis, whilst also providing added value to your membership packages and potentially, additional revenue to your club. 

Table Tennis, Loop, initiative

In developing the Loop in the Clubhouse package, Table Tennis England piloted their offer in 10 different sports clubhouses. All 10 clubs reported their table tennis table to be hugely popular with members and visitors, noting that;

“It has engaged both members and none members in the club, spending time and money in the clubhouse” (Letchworth Sports and Tennis Club)

“Players tend to arrive earlier and stay longer” (Flitwick Community Football Club)

"Having a table has proven very popular and has created interest in the game as well as providing an attraction for all to come to the club in the close season” (Porthill Park Cricket Club)

What’s more, all clubs said that they would recommend to other sports clubs introducing table tennis to the clubhouse.

BWSW are pleased to offer the first 10 clubs who buy a package up to £100 towards the cost (this will be refunded by BWSW following a purchase).

For more information contact the BWSW Development Team or our colleagues at Table Tennis England via