BWSW Board

The British Water Ski & Wakeboard Federation Limited is a company limited by guarantee and not having a share capital. As a not for profit association of members all of our income is invested in developing and protecting water skiing across the UK from the grassroots level through to our top athletes.
The Board is appointed at our AGM and is directly accountable to the membership for the performance of the company and is responsible for corporate strategy, the management of the association’s policy development, business and financial planning, as well as safeguarding stakeholder's interests. Various committees support the Board in its function and the board delegates to the Chief Executive Officer the day-to-day and business management control.  The Board consists of a maximum of 8 directors, with 5 elected members, the CEO and 2 independent directors with varying portfolios dependent on project needs. Appointed Board members have a maximum tenure of 9 years before retirement.

View Board Appointment Flow Chart


Our Board members come from a variety of backgrounds, have a variety of experience and skills and have a very great understanding of the positive impact sport can make.  They also fully understand the complexity of managing a sports governing body in an increasingly complex world and the need for good governance and to be fit for purpose for the 21st century. We very much recognise that a diverse board is able to make decisions more effectively by reducing the risk of 'groupthink', paying more attention to managing and controlling risks as well as having a better understanding of the company’s consumers / new markets for our sport.  Our organisation does not aim for “tokenism” in terms of diversity and as such welcomes applicants from all sectors of society and in particular from under represented groups.

We are pleased to have met our key target of having a minimum of 35% female members holding positions on our Board in line with our aim to promote greater diversity.

You can view the BWSW Diversity Statement here. 

The BWSWF Limited Directors

Martin Winter

Martin worked in the City for 45 years as a lawyer with most of his involvement being in private equity transactions.  He continues his 35 year competitive waterski slalom career with a markedly lower degree of success although this is given reasonable balance by the performance of other family members.  He also chairs a small charity focused on the provision of sporting equipment to, and sponsoring sporting events in, communities under challenge.  He strongly believes the sport must operate on data rather than opinions.

Responsible for governance

Welfare & Safety Lead Director


Steve Sopp
Vice Chair

Responsible for risk management

Risk Committee
Insurance Working Group

Michael Lock

Responsible for operating safety and standards

Driving & Coaching Development Working Group

Margaret Curtis

Maggie has been an active member of Cotswold Water Ski Club for over 30 years and has been (and still is) the Membership Secretary with some 300+ members - a role she continues to enjoy, and has served on their board since 2011. She is actively involved in promoting all disciplines of waterskiing (and in particular Barefoot), especially by bringing new and young members to the sport as well as supporting Team GB members at her club.
Maggie is married with 2 adult daughters - Bibby who has previously been in the GB Barefoot Team and Annie who enjoys slalom and trick.  Maggie and her husband Mark have run two successful businesses over the years, and now in semi-retirement, Maggie enjoys music and other creative hobbies, plus she volunteers for the British Red Cross, as well as entering her fourth year on the BWSW Board.

 Responsible for clubs and members

Andy Phillips
Independent Director


Independent advice on all board related matters

Finance & Audit Committee


Anny Wooldridge
Independent Director


Independent advice on all board related matters 

EDI Lead Director

Richard Fogden
Senior Independent Director

Richard is a serving officer in the RAF, looking after sport in the Service and making its people 'Fit for Service' and 'Fit for Life'.  A water skier since his teens, he has been Chair of the Bahrain Water Ski Club and Rickmansworth Water Ski Club previously and remains a member of the latter, skiing regularly when its not too cold, and he plays tennis for his local club. He is also a director of a small property management company (with his neighbours) and a trustee of a broadcasting charity.

Independent advice on all board related matters 

Patrick Donovan
Chief Executive Officer

Patrick has had a long and varied career in the education and sports sector for over 30 years both in the UK and overseas.  He has been the lead driver of four successful BWSW funding strategies which challenged the organisation to think bigger with innovative initiatives in relation to facilities, IT modernisation and ambitious development aims.  His days of slalom skiing through winter are very much a thing of the past now however he still enjoys the occasional summer wakesurf and attending events. 

Responsible for strategy, strategic relationships and partners

Finance & Audit Committee
Risk Committee
Insurance Working Group

Related documents

  1. Committee Terms of Reference

    13 Nov 2023 / 248kb

    Committee Terms of Reference

  2. The British Water Ski & Wakeboard Federation Limited Articles of Association

    30 Jan 2023 / 295kb

    BWSW Articles of Association - revised AGM 2023

  3. Committee Directory

    18 Jul 2024 / 309kb

    Current list of committee members

  4. BWSW Areas & Affiliates

    3 Jun 2021 / 15kb

    A document listing BWSW Affiliates by area

  5. Minutes Board March 2023

    11 Apr 2023 / 110kb

    Minutes Board March 2023

  6. Minutes Board April 2023

    3 May 2023 / 95kb

    Minutes Board April 2023

  7. Minutes Board June 2023

    5 Oct 2023 / 130kb

    Minutes Board June 2023

  8. Minutes Board July 2023

    14 Jul 2023 / 89kb

    Minutes Board July 2023

  9. Minutes Board October 5th 2023

    24 Nov 2023 / 123kb

    Minutes Board October 5th 2023

  10. Minutes Board October 19th 2023

    2 Nov 2023 / 126kb

    Minutes Board October 19th 2023

  11. Minutes Board November 2023

    7 Feb 2024 / 121kb

    Minutes Board November 2023 republished with minor amendment

  12. Minutes Board December 2023

    15 Dec 2023 / 101kb

    Minutes Board December 2023

  13. Minutes Board January 2024

    22 Feb 2024 / 108kb

    Minutes Board January 2024 (republished with minor formatting corrections)

  14. Minutes Board February 2024

    2 Mar 2024 / 181kb

    Minutes Board February 2024

  15. Minutes Board March 2024

    20 Mar 2024 / 130kb

    Minutes Board March 2024 (republished with minor amend)

  16. Minutes Board April 2024

    27 Apr 2024 / 104kb

    Minutes Board April 2024

  17. Minutes Board May 2024

    11 May 2024 / 121kb

    Minutes Board May 2024

  18. Minutes Board May 2024 #2

    31 May 2024 / 78kb

    Minutes Board May 2024 #2

  19. Minutes Board June 2024

    28 Jun 2024 / 84kb

    Minutes Board June 2024

  20. Minutes Board July 2024

    13 Jul 2024 / 99kb

    Minutes Board July 2024