BWSF Ltd Annual General Meeting 2021

9 December 2020

We look forward to welcoming you to this year’s AGM -  a key part of the AGM is the appointment and re-appointment of directors and it represents an opportunity for voting affiliates to nominate their choice as directors of the Company.

The Board of Directors 
The current articles of association provides for 10 members of the Board.  There are 6 elected members, 3 elected independents plus the CEO.  Each year one third of the Board (excluding the CEO) stand down by rotation; additionally, any members co-opted to fill a Board position since the previous AGM also need to stand for election.  The rotation and any wish for members to re-stand does not in any way inhibit additional nominations being made and voting members voting.  

The maximum number on the Board has not been reached so there is space but please note that a minimum time contribution of 8 hours a month is required and regular attendance at Board meetings. Sometimes more, sometimes at short notice, to deal with non-ordinary course developments like COVID.  We very much wish to fill these with those who have an interest in the whole sport of water skiing and wakeboarding and its long-term future.  Key to standing for the Board is that a candidate can bring key skills and relevant experience to the organisation.  We do wish to attract new people into the organisation and are keen to attract younger people and more women.  A knowledge of sport and club management are important as we are a sport, but British Water Ski & Wakeboard is essentially also a business, and so business acumen and relevant skills are also very important.  A key aim of the Board ongoing is to increase the diversity of the Board.  We recognise the importance of diversity in enabling the Board to make decisions more effectively by reducing the risk of 'group-think', as well as contributing to a wider understanding of our members and participants and helping us to identify potential new markets for our sport.  We welcome applicants from all sectors of society and in particular from under-represented groups, based on their skills and experience.  We strive for a diverse Board and a governance structure that contains a broad mix of skills, knowledge and experience with the overall objective of ensuring that we are well equipped to overcome challenges and to grow our sport across the participant spectrum.  

The Board continues this year to maintain its key aim of having 30% minimum female representation on the Board.