Accreditation Check Form

The Accreditation Check form is a self-declaration from a centre, to be completed for the year when the biennial visit does not take place. It is reliant on the relevant operator carrying out a considered and detailed check.   As with the Accreditation visit it is for the operator and not BWSW to satisfy itself as to the sufficiency of the underlying documentation.  This is not something that BWSW has the resources or expertise to undertake.

All commercial boat and cable sites must complete this document in order to achieve and maintain British Water Ski & Wakeboard (BWSW) Accredited centre status. This involves the operator checking certain documents, policies and procedures are in place.  The Operator must consider as part of this review the full requirements of the previous biennial site visit.

Please ensure you answer all questions accurately.   If you answer ‘no’ to any question you should address the field as soon as possible.  Once completed please return the form to British Water Ski & Wakeboard.

NB. The existence of all documents and procedures highlighted in bold are the minimum requirements of a BWSW Accredited Site

All fields are required unless otherwise stated.

Site Details

Please fill out the following information about your site


Your Details

Please Complete (details of person filling out the form)

Reviewed Document Checks

Please complete to confirm you have reviewed all your documents:

Health and Safety Policy

Have you renewed your site specific Health and Safety Policy? (this must be reviewed annually)

Emergency Action Plan

Is the Emergency Action Plan Displayed correctly so the public and staff are able to view it clearly?

Risk Assessment

Is your Risk Assessment, that is specific to your site, up to date having taken on board all necessary third party advice where appropriate? Does it identify and minimises hazards and risks for both on the water and off the water activities? Your Risk Ass

Standard Operating Procedures

Are your Standard Operating Procedures, that are specific to your site, up to date having taken on board all necessary third party advice where appropriate? Does it identify and minimises hazards and risks for both on the water and off the water activitie

Fire Policy

Is the Fire Policy Emergency procedures displayed correctly so the public and staff are able to view it clearly?

Insurance Documents

Please complete to confirm you have reviewed all your documents:

Insurance Policy

Have you had an external review of your Insurance Policies for the coming year?

Public Liability Cover

BWSW recommends that your Public Liability cover be displayed for the public. Is this in a visually accessible place? (for public and staff).

Boat Insurance

Have you had an external review of your Boat Insurance been renewed for the coming year? (BOAT SITES ONLY)

Insurance Policies

Note:  Insurance coverage may not be available at the level necessary to meet a substantial claim.  It is particularly important you canvass this with your insurance broker or adviser.

Type of Cover 

BWSW recommends the maximum cover reasonably obtainable. Please be aware that the scope of cover should include all events (Competitions) if applicable.

BWSW recommends the maximum cover reasonably obtainable

BWSW recommends the maximum cover reasonably obtainable.

Optional. The scope of cover should include all motorised activities at centre and competitions if applicable.

Optional. Minimum scope of cover should include all cable activities at centre.

Insurance: Boat

Does the Boat Insurnace cover include the follwoing? (if not applicable, please ignore section)

Note: If the centre is holding a competiton, or planning to, in the calendar year, a competition cover is required.  

Water Skiing






Towing Inflatables

Optional. N.B. dependent on the number of participant’s

Competitions (only required if holding a competition)


Insurance: Cable

Does the Cable Insurance cover include? (If not applicable, please ignore this section)

Note: If a centre is holdinga competiton, or planning to, in the calendar year, a competiton cover is required. 




Optional. (sometimes included under the term Water Skiing)

Towing Inflatables

Optional. N.B. dependent on the number of participant’s


Optional. (only required if holding a competition)

Operating Standards & Procedures

Please complete the following:

Standard Operating Procedure

Have your Standard Operating Procedures been communicated to all staff at their induction and throughout their employment?

Cable Inspection(s)

Have you had an inspection of your cable(s) completed by the manufactures or qualified assessor? (Cable Sites Only) – for record keeping purposes only.

Optional. Please upload report here (Cable site only)


Please complete the following:

Staff Handbook

Are all new staff issued with a staff handbook?

Job Description and T&Cs of Employment

Do all staff members get issued with an appropriate job description and statement of main terms and conditions of employment?

Staff Qualifications

Do all staff members have the relevant BWSW qualifications and are all required certifications up to date in accordance with your risk assessment or health and safety consultants’ requirements (Coach/Operator licence: Safeguarding/First Aid/ Enhanced DBS

Optional. Please upload your Staff list here


Please complete the following:

Club Welfare Officer

Do you have an appointed Club Welfare Officer?

Remember: It is Mandatory for centres to have a welfare officer in place with the correct qualifications to meet the accreditation requirements.

Does the person stated above have an in date DBS?

Optional. New/Renewal: Go to BWSW online DBS application form

Has the person stated above completed, in the last three years, an attended online, or in person, Safeguarding and Protecting Children Workshop (Classroom) courses This must be updated every 3 years.


Club Welfare Officer Poster

Is there a Club Welfare officer poster on display that is visible for the public in an area that where it can be viewed without embarrassment? (Changing rooms and toilets etc.) Remember: this is to be up to date with the correct qualified welfare officer

Safeguarding: Online Links and/or Upload CWO Documents

Optional. Please upload your certificate here

Optional. to apply please fill out online form. (must be a member to apply)

Serious Accident/Incident

Remember: that all serious accidents/incidents should be reported to RIDDOR in accordance with its requirements and HSE, where appropriate. In the case of any fatalities, should be reported to MAIB and HSE

Accident Report book

Do you have a Accident Report book outlined to staff that all accidents/incidents are to be recorded?

Has the centre had any Serious Accidents/Incidents occur in the last year?

Optional. Please supply a photo of all accidents from your accident book since last reviewed and supply to BWSW for subsequent analysis

Customer Service

Please complete the following:

Customer Charter

Do you have a Customer Charter that outlines what all customers can expect from the provider and its staff?

Booking Process

Is your booking process safe, secure and does it take into account data protection? Does your booking form ask the applicant to confirm that they are physically fit for the intended activity? Does it also ask if the applicant is taking any prescribed medic

Customer Enquiries and Complaints

Do you have a defined process for dealing with customer enquiries and complaints?

Cancellation Policy

Is your policy clearly displayed for the public to view?


Policies available on your website:

Safeguarding Policy

Is your Safeguarding Policy available on your website? This must be visible online for the public.

Equality Policy

Is your Equality Policy available on your website? This must be visible online for the public.

Club Welfare Officer Poster

Is the Club Welfare Officer poster (must be up to date) available on your website? This must be visible online for public viewing.


If you have a member’s club or a membership is available at your centre it is a requirement of accreditation that all members are signed up to the BWSW membership. 


*  By signing this document, the centre principal confirms that all necessary health and safety and operational checks have been carried out to their satisfaction and that in their opinion the centre complies with all current Health and Safety requirements (without limitations) and in particular those set out in the BWSW Accreditation Site Visit Checklist.


Please click the box to indicate you are a human rather than an automated system completing this form.

Last step
  • BWSW reserve the right to request to see any documents declared above at any point during the season
  • BWSW reserve the right to withdraw accredited site status if the information above is found to be inaccurate or the site does not maintain the appropriate quality standard
  • The site agrees to include its ‘Approved Centre’ status within promotional material
  • The site agrees to update BWSW with any changes to their structure or operation during the season

Thank you for submitting.