Qualified Coach / Operator Status

Benefits for Coaches / Instructors / Operators 

Having a BWSW qualified status exemplifies industry standards and what is good practice for coaching within sport. Despite this, all BWSW coaches will be able to benefit from the following for as little as £48 every 3 seasons      -     

New Coaches - click here to apply NOW!

Exisiting Coaches - click here to apply NOW!


A BWSW qualified status is a mark of your commitment to good coaching practice and, as a result, can increase your profile and recognition. On all promotional material you may describe yourself as a "BWSW Qualified Coach" or "BWSW Qualified Cable Operator" (as appropriate) - a term that can be an important draw for particpants and clubs. Once qualified, your BWSW membership card will be issued with all your current qualifications  listed on the card. 

Obrien Kid

Cutting Edge / On the Edge

As a qualified Coach/Operator, you will be able to deliver our very popular Cutting Edge and / or Progressive Edge programme at your club. Upon renewal, coaches and operators will be given a number of resources inc. Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards that they can use to help support their coaching sessions.    

cutting edge


As a qualified coach/instructor/operator, you will receive £10 million professional indemnity cover for coaching on a voluntary basis within the BWSW network. This means that, you will be covered for any damages and legal costs arising out of third party loss, injury or damage. 

Note, as a PAID coach/instructor/operator, you will need to check you are covered by your employer. For those who need their own insurance we recommend Sports Coach UK who offer professional indemnity insurance cover for paid coaches. 


Coaching Licence - Sam

Coaching at BWSW Accredited Sites

Sites are increasingly looking for qualified coaches to fill positions at their centres (in the UK and aboard). This is because, not only do BWSW qualified coaches help clubs to meet insurance eligibility criteria and achieve Accredited status but, research indicates that the perceptions of coaching quality tends to be higher for qualified coaches than non-qualified (Sports Coach UK, 2014). 

Using BWSW qualified staff defines industry standards and what is good practice for commerical water ski and wakeboard centres. To help promote this, BWSW have actively helped a number of our coaches to find work within the UK and abroad. For job opportunities, click here

Coach of the Year

Coach of the Year 

Any qualified coach / instructor / operator can be nominated for the BWSW Coach of the Year Award. Coaches and Operators will be judged on areas relating to how safe, fun and effective they are as a coach, how they have helped support the sport and engage with BWSW's programmes.